Thursday, December 3, 2015

Vietnam day 6

I took a bus back to Hanoi with Michele and Marie. We left early enough in the morning to arrive by midday.

The first thing I did when I got back was drop my bags off at some hostel and walk around the lake. I passed several groups of elderly Vietnamese women doing a coordinated workout dance to old country western music. It was an extreemly bizzare sight. It was kinda like zumba but much much less sexy.

Layer on Marie and I had epic street food for dinner. It was a yellow sticky rice with herbs and beef. Nom nom nom.

I got back to my hostel only to discover two deaf guys were my only roommates. I asked them all types of questions about what it's like being deaf. They definitely seemed more complimented at my interest than insulted by me asking about their condition. I guess it's good that they didn't hear me snore that night :)

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