Monday, February 9, 2015

Thailand day 9

My bus stopped abruptly at 7am in Krabi. I then took a 500 Baht bus and boat package to Koh Phi Phi making the total cost about 1300 Baht ($52 which isn't the best I could have done). It was all worth it when the boat started arriving at the shore.

The view was beautiful; hardly a cloud to be seen, and clean transparent sea water everywhere. I'm definitely going to go swimming later.

Finding my hostel proved to be quite a challenge since a third of the information booths didn't know where it was, another third were convinced it didn't exist, and the rest lazily pointed in contradicting directions. Eventually I found it tucked away in an ally next to a smoothie stand. Its called center point hostel and its pretty good. I'm staying in a 10 bedroom dorm  and the people seem to be friendly and social. Finally I think I can meet some people and go out for a drink with them.

In the afternoon I walked around to find cheap food. I found one small restaurant filled with locals selling food for half the price as the other restaurants. It was awkward eating there coz all the locals stared at me. Afterwards i made my way to the beach. The sand is beautiful, clean and amazingly tourist free. I assumed it was because travelers prefer to drink beers in the pubs, but then I discovered a much larger beach on the other side of the island where everyone hangs out.

I purchased dinner and a 630ml bottle of Chang for 130B ($5). Not bad for a tropical paradise, eh?

Later on I met two German girls in the hostel. One was called Leah, and the other one started with 'f'. They were pretty cool - they told me about how they'd traveled all around Australia over last 3 months while we were drinking in a pub that was also a Muay Thai boxing arena. I really enjoyed the place because if travelers volunteered to fight each other (and lasted 3 rounds) then they were awarded a bucket of free beer. I'm seriously contemplating doing it, but I'm terrified I'll be matched up against some massive American meat head that's been practicing Muay Thai for his entire life. I also don't think my travel insurance covers 'voluntary stupidity'.

We ended up going to a different pub/club and sat next to 2 other German guys. (Why are there so many Germans in Thailand? Are there any left in Germany?). They were taller than me, more muscular than me, and knew fluent German. About half an hour later they all started speaking German to each other, so I politely left.

I ended up running into a bunch of Canadians who were pretty cool. I enjoyed talking to them quite a bit until they all unanimously decided to go on a hunt to a pharmacy to buy/make riddilin.

I was pretty drunk and tired at this point anyway so I decided to go for a walk along the beach back to my hostel.

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