Monday, February 16, 2015

Nepal day 1

I arrived in Kathmandu in the early afternoon. Immediately I was given a flashback of Indonesia because so many people came up to me to try and offer me 'super cheap' taxi deals. At this point I considered myself a veteran for finding cheap taxis so I managed to get to the guest house for about $3.

I was dropped just outside the guest house and was immediately approached by a few locals trying to advertise a cheaper hostel for me to stay at. When I told them I'd already payed for the guest house they immediately changed character and asked me if I wanted to buy marajuana from them. Crazy!

I spent quite a bit of time in the guest house catching up on sleep and writing my blog. But after a few hours my body changed priorities and told me to go out in search for food. I tried 'alu paratha' - its kinda like naan bread and it tastes delicious.

I really like Kathmandu. Its nice and cold which is a refreshing break from hot and humid Thailand. The people also speak much better English here which makes it much easier to chat and talk to locals. Lastly, the architecture is very different from Indonesia and Thailand; all the buildings are really squeezed together, there are no side carts and the roads are much narrower - i think the city would seem very efficient and organized if it wasn't for the poverty that inhabits it.

Matt and Brad were scheduled to arrive at the hostel at 11:00pm, however due to immigration problems they arrived almost 3 hours later. At the time I was pretty paranoid and decided to contact their friends from the Philippines via Facebook.

When they arrived we retold a condensed summary of our trips and then passed out in our beds.

1 comment:

  1. Muffinman - Whilst I enjoy your news and sarcasm, I find your blog dominated by references to getting drunk and elevation of thriftiness to an art form. More substance please.
