Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thailand day 11

I woke up this morning excited for the day ahead. I had payed $100 to go on a watersports adventure.

First we had breakfast with the rest of the travelers. I met 2 south Africans there who where extremely friendly. I talked to them for hours during the trip and got to know them really really well. I think one of their names started with an 'R'.

We then hopped on our boat and visited a small tucked away beach area filled with monkeys. The beach was creatively named 'monkey beach'. We brought food and drinks to give them something. The monkeys were very cute and clearly had become accustomed to humans because they came right up next to you to take bananas from you. Sadly a lot of other tourists fed the monkeys coke and sprite, and whilst I'll admit that its adorable watching them struggle with the aluminum can, I'm not sure of an animal that size can handle the sugar content of 5 soft drinks.

We then went to Maya beach which was part of a small island right next to Koh Phi Phi. It was beautiful. The surrounding mountains of rock looked completely uninhabitable because there was no horizontal living space, only vertical jagged rock. However we found that some mountain dwellers did live there and they climbed up and down the mountain using poorly attached peices of bamboo as ladders.

We then floated past a place called Viking cave. Apparently it was where a huge nest of sparrows lived. According to our guide the Chinese pay $4500/kg for sparrow eggs.

Next we had lunch by another beach. The beach was different to all the others because it had small piles of rocks stacked on top of each other. Our guide taught us that if you wear a lifejacket as a nappy then you can lean back on the water and rest a beer on your chest. I perfected the method after half an hour.

Afterwards we went snorkling around a few different locations. The visibility was pretty decent and allowed me to see; coral, fish and a few sharks!

We ended the trip by going wake boarding and water skiing. We had about 15 people on the boat and only 2 people were able to stand; me and one of the south African guys. Although to be honest I only stood for about 2 seconds before I collapsed backwards into the salty water.

Later I had dinner and drinks with a few more people I met at the hostel. They we're British this time! They were very friendly and extremely social. By the end of dinner we had grown to a crew of 15 people. All 15 of them wanted to play flip cup and beer pong at a bar nearby. I joined them but left shortly afterwards. I was tired and I honestly could not stand the taste of Chang beer anymore. It's a disgusting, watered down, flavorless and expensive drink - #tropicparadiseproblems.

1 comment:

  1. Sad to hear about the monkeys, but it sounds like you are having a great time. I am also surprised it took you so long to perfect this method, I expected better of you Matt.
