Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Nepal day 2

Brad, Matt and I sluggishly woke up and guilt tripped ourselves to go for a walk around Kathmandu. I love the character of Nepal; there were shop signs poking out everywhere, electrical wires tangled in large clumps, and people offering you cocaine at 9:00 in the morning. Who needs coffee, right?

We ended up having breakfast at a place called 'bon appetit'. I had a Nepalese omlet which had absolutely no meat in it, yet somehow managed to taste amazing! How do they do it? I have to have to eat a whole cow to enjoy my spaghetti back home.

Just by walking around we found out today was actually a very special day according to the Hindu religion. All I managed to find out by talking to people was that it had something to do with the God of destruction. Consequently we payed 500 NPR to go Pasupatinath temple. The taxi wasn't able to drive us the whole way because it was so packed with people. There must have been at least 300,000 people outside the temple alone, and there was a line about 1km long to enter. Instead we decided to walk around the area to see if we could at least get a glimpse the temple. Sadly we couldn't see anything so we decided to swim back to the main street and catch a taxi back home. When we got back we talked to the receptionist why it was so popular to see the temple. He said it was because it was the only place and the only time that marijuana was legal.

For lunch we had 10 samosas and 3 'jerries' which are kinda like thin donuts. Once again a great meal without meat! How!?

Later we went for a pub crawl. We all got semi drunk on cocktails. I wanted to have beer but the cocktails were much cheaper and the bar staff kept over pouring local rum in my drinks. I just can't say no to cheap rum! Even when you account for the 10% tip AND 13% service tax its still very cheap. Oh we also got free popcorn! Win.

At one point a bunch of kids wandered into the rooftop bar to beg for money. Apparently its a thing kids do once a year for 'sibrapri'.

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