Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nepal day 3

We woke up today and immediately went on the hunt for street food. Brad and I found a place which had a restaurant which had a roof with no holes in it so we decided to enter. Matt was unimpressed with the quality of the restaurant so he decided to go elsewhere. Brad and I remained and enjoyed delicious meals. Brad was super white and had fried rice with chicken. I saw a local next to me eating a large dish called salakana and asked to get the same. Yet again, it had no meat in it and it tasted amazing! I was given a spoon but I chose to eat the meal with my right hand anyway, just like the locals around me did. I also got a 'milk tea' which I thought would be new and exciting, but turned out to be a hot chocolate.

We got talking to a local called Biso while we were at the restaurant. He told us about how he had to drive 4 hours to get to work everyday just to work as a barman in a hostel. And to think I hated traveling 1.5 hours by public transport to go to Uni...

At 2:00pm our Everest group had our first meeting in the loby of the hotel we were staying at. The meeting was dull and the presenter just recited what was already written on the trip notes. The group we are traveling with, on the other hand, seemed overwhelming friendly and energetic. As far as I can tell we the group consists of; 7 Aussies, 3 Brits and 1 German.

I organized to go drinking with quite a lot of them at the Irish pub right by our hotel. It was a lot of fun. Great music and great company. I tried Everest beer there. I don't know why but I suspect it will taste better at base camp.

It started raining and hailing towards the end of the night which makes me think the plane might be delayed in the morning. After all, our flight is scheduled to leave leave at 6:15am.

Oh yeah, my mum gave me the wise advice to drink lots while I'm climbing Everest. Thats why I plan to buy a bottle of rum when I arrive at Lukla airport tomorrow morning.

Well its 11pm right now and I have to wake up at 4am tomorrow morning, so I think I'll end my post here. I doubt I'll have WiFi to write about my Everest trip as I experience it, so for the next 13 days expect nothing but silence!


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