Friday, February 6, 2015

Thailand day 6

I woke up at 8:30am to the sound of a parade marching right by our hostel. At first my hangover forbid me to enjoy the band playing, but that changed quickly once they started playing the mission impossible theme song (seriously). The parade was the 39th flower festival and it lasted all the way till midday.

After the music died down and the traffic replaced the parade carts we all decided to go somewhere to eat breakfast. Pablo and Alonso were pretty indecisive so I made them eat mango and sticky rice with me from a side cart. Apparently its a popular local dish for locals for breakfast. It was simple and delicious but I think I'm just too white to say its better than scrambled eggs on toast.

Afterwards we left to go to the airport to fly back to bangkok. An American trying to check into the same flight as us was getting extremely frustrated because his bags were 8kg over the limit and they were charging 400 baht/kg. We ended up sympathizing with him because the money he'd have to spend was the equivalent of an additional 2 flight tickets. I suggested to him that he take out 8kg worth of clothes from his luggage and simply wear it, and he was about to do it until Alonso offered to check in the Americans luggage under Alonso's ticket. It only hit Alonso afterwards that the American could potentially have drugs in his bag, and he was technically liable for it now. I honestly cannot begin to tell you the pure paranoia he went through. Needless to say, we got there fine. No Bangkok prison for us.

When we got to our hostel in bangkok we had enough time to settle in, wander around and eat dinner. We walked around Khao San Rd which is famous for being a backpackers hotspot. Everything is cheap and the energy of the place is enormous. We got invited out to a club by Grace but Pablo and Alonso wanted to watch a soccer game instead. I decided to suspend my hatred/fear of clubs for a night and meet Grace and her friends at Route66. The club was great at first because; there were seats everywhere (even in the dance floor), the music was quiet enough such that you could talk, you can buy full bottles of rum, and Grace's friends are really friendly. Sadly as it got later it turned into more of a club and my irrational phobia of dancing got the better of me. This was worsened once I realized two of Grace's male friends, who were Black and Mexican, (the greatest naturally gifted dance races of all time) were pulling dance moves that would have made Michael Jackson blush.

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