Tuesday, February 14, 2012

desperation day

Yay for valentines day.
I've never even noticed a valentines day go by. But it's impossible to not notice it here. Everyone seemed unnaturally happy or depressed today. There were TV shows about V-day and everyone made posts about it on facebook.

I couldn't care less about it :D. I find it odd how people can take so much meaning from an arbitrary date. No, I'm not just saying that because I'm single >:(

But while i'm on the subject of romance, I figured I might as well give some insight into how people view relationships here. It sees to me, that most relationships aren't viewed as a miniature marriage - which is something I've always viewed it as. Instead, people seem a lot more relaxed about cheating on their partners.

Oh, and i'm not going to end this post with a 'oh, i got completely wasted last night'. I've been sober for over 16 hours! And I haven't been drunk for 2 days! Is it immoral to tease your liver?

Discovered some awesome bars around here. Unfortunately the only people I can drink with at these bars are my PHD friends. Laaame. Ah well. I guess I'll have to learn to socialize the normal way - by making sexual innuendos at every possible opportunity. Yay for teenage immaturity!

I really want to extend my time here. Perhaps living at a co-op or an apartment next semester. Austin is a great place and I want to experience more of it. Of course, knowing UNSW and the American embassy, it'll be needlessly difficult and frustrating.

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