Friday, February 3, 2012


So if you know me at all, you'd know that I hate dancing. But from what i have experienced here, dancing isn't too bad. For starters there are a whole bunch of different kinds of dancing.

I went to a midnight rodeo earlier today and watched as everyone on dance floor adjusted their dancing to the music. It's remarkable to see the coordination and organization. I'd imagine guys in Australia would just get angry that the dancing wasn't mindless shuffling.
But the dancing here is quite amazing. I learned the '1-2 step' (yep, pronouncing the title is as easy as dancing to it). Needless to say I was still shit at dancing. But at least I gave it a go.
There's another type of dancing too. I can't remember what it was called, but it reminded me of the Russian type of dancing where you swing your feet out and try and keep balance. It was kind of cool. It pretty much involved stamping the floor at certain times.

Oh yeah, and a lot of people really try to fit certain stereotypes here. At the rodeo in particular, almost every white guy dressed up as a cowboy (with the hat and everything), and almost every black man dressed up as a rapper or basketball player.

Actually, while I'm on a tangent, I might as well talk about stereotypes in more detail. I saw this epic tool who thought he was top shit. He wore the hat sideways, talked like an idiot and had tattoos and piercings everywhere. I couldn't help but think that this was a nerd who was just trying to act cool.

Whilst saying that though, there are a lot of very interesting characters here. I've talked to a lot of people here and had many interesting convos. For example, I've made a small group of friends at J2 who always have something really insightful to say about America or something incredibly ignorant to say about the rest of the world.

I met another Australian today, that was cool.

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