Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's organized! I'm going to the slopes! Breckenridge Park Meadows Lodge! I'm heading with 2 other blokes; Simeon and Mike. They're good people, very social, and over 21.

It was a lot of work making plans for an expensive event, in a different state, while in a different country, and while talking to people you've never met before who live in different parts of Texas! But I jumped (bulldozed)over those hurdles, and now we're planning to leave Friday the 9th.

The plan is to drive early Friday to Lubbock Texas where Mike lives, then head straight to New Mexico where Simeon's parents live. Simeon is from Bulgaria, and so naturally it's reasonable of me to assume both of his parents are professional skiers who have a cupboard full of unused yet perfect quality skis. Just so you know, that's actually true... his parents are lending me speed skis!

But yeah, we plan to stay at his place for a day. Which is great, coz i get to experience a bit of New Mexico and rest up a bit before a full week of intense skiing / drinking.

I'm so glad we managed to get such a good place for a very competitive price. You can actually ski down to our lodge!

I remember my Dad telling me stores about how he used to ski in Colorado while doing his Masters degree. And now it's my turn to live through that experience.

Good times ahead :)

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