Monday, November 9, 2015

Malaysia day 1

So this is it. I'm writing my first blog post out of many that will summarize my Asia trip. Because I haven't written anything for a long time I've probably lost any talent for reporting things that happen in my life with any sense of proportion. Thats right, my writing skills that once could have been personified as a sleek and calm hunter clutching a rifle, now more closely resemble a hyperactive toddler running wildly wielding an oversized butterfly net. But despite my obvious illiteracy disability, I'll still try my best to write this thing. here goes.

Fuck. I've got glass in my foot. I must have stepped on a small shard of glass last night when I emptied the rubbish. I didn't notice it at the time, but now its really starting to bug me. I have asked the air hostesses if they have a first aid kit; and amazingly they said they didn't. Air Asia, oh how I missed you.  Ironically though, I reckon if I exaggerated the size of glass in my foot every hostess would have felt compelled to 'disarm' me. On a separate note, I went to the same hostess to ask her for water. She said she didn't have any and pressed me to buy a $7 bottle instead with a patronizng endnote "we also accept American dollars if you've ran out of Australian currency". At that moment the inner Sherlock Holmes in me discovered a kettle of boiling water, a small bucket of ice and a pile of disposable plastic cups. I asked her to do the hokey pokey with them and she reluctantly compiled. USA! USA! USA!

Sadly due to a series of delays I arrived too late in the evening to go looking around KL. None the less, I met up with my parents and Matt Gates and had a good ol' fashioned catch up. Tomorrow is when the adventure starts. Can't wait.

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