Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cambodia day 1

Fuck I'm so tired. Waking up at 4am for a flight is no easy task. When we arrived in Phnom Penh we immediately tried haggling with the locals to drive us to our hostel for a discount price - no luck.

I think 'tuk tuk' means hello here because so many locals were shouting that phrase at us. I didn't want to be rude so I shouted 'tuk tuk' back to them and kept walking. Learning a new language is awesome.

We arrived too early to check into our hostel, but too late to get drunk with the drunk British backpackers. Instead we ran into a girl called Lottie and the 3 of us travelled to the killing fields together (not the best social activity, I know).

The killing fields were really eye opening. I wish I did more research behind Pol Pot before I showed up; that way I could get a glimpse into the 'rational' behind his genocidal purge. It's crazy to think that he only resigned from prime minister in 1979 (11 years before I was born!)

Our tuk tuk driver sneakily drove us back to our hostel via a shooting range; no doubt he would get commission in some way or another. We considered shooting ak47's into the air after seeing the killing fields a little culturally insensitive so we decided to just head home instead. We were very conscious that disappointing locals with a huge stockpile of guns and rocket launchers could turn into a huge mistake so we apologized profusely and then sped off into the distance.

When we got back we devoured a beer and some street food. Yum! I really like the beer here, but no local tells me what it's called, they just say its 'Cambodian beer'.

For dinner we met up with a bunch of British and Dutch people from the hostel. The food was great, the company was nice and the beer was Cambodian.

Sadly I decided not to partake in the party that was happening in the hostel that night. I had to wake up at 6:30 am to have a Skype interview for a job I applied for several weeks back. I better get this job!!

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