Monday, November 23, 2015

Cambodia day 8

Max woke up with a pretty serious fever. Fortunately though my stomach was much better so I got to enjoy all the benefits of the $2 all you can eat buffet downstairs. I felt bad for max missing out on the buffet so I went to his room and described to him how amazing the food was so he could at least imagine eating.
Matt and I penciled in volunteering to teach English at a school in the afternoon and going to a circus in the evening. Sadly the school was all filled with volunteers (probably a good thing coz I don't English good) and the cicus was all booked out. Instead Matt and I rented bicycles (motor bikes minus the motor) and made our way to the floating village.
Bike riding is amazing! At first I was pretty pessimistic because the humidity was overbearing and I thought that there would be too much traffic and obstacles in our way, but once we made it past the river and out of town the countryside poked its head out to meet us. The luscious green open planes made the feeling of complete exhaustion totally worth it. After 1 hour and 4L of water later we arrived at the floating village. It wasn't a peaceful self sustaining paradise with water slides everywhere like we imagined. Instead it was beaten down strip of land in the middle of a giant lake littered with broken down 'houses'. I couldn't help but constantly feel painfully aware of how much more I had than these locals; even wearing aviators and a hat made me feel uncomfortable. Oh and the whole place smelled like rotten fish and sewerage. I got great photos though!
On the way back we passed a mysterious staircase in the of nowhere. We decided to hike up the staircase and carry our bikes with us. At the very top a friendly ploliceman asked us for a $5 bribe to grant us entry to the temple above. We accepted. I personally was still suffering from temple fatigue after touring Ankor Watt for 8 hours the other day, but Matt loved it.
On the way down from the temple Matt's bycycle breaks broke and he had to come to dangerous halt! That earned him the title Mad Matx for the rest of the day.
Once back at the hostel we met up with an American girl from Ohio. She was really cool so we decided to go motorbiking with her the next day. She said she was from the Midwest though. How the hell is Ohio part of the Midwest? Come on America, get your shit together.

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