Saturday, November 28, 2015

Laos day 5

We booked an activity today called "Bopaven adventure". It was nice leaving the ghost town and entering the jungle. The trecking was easy and short but there were lookout points, coffee shops and local villages along the way which padded out the trip. Overall the 'adventure' was great. I got a lot of awesome photos; several of a waterfall and a few of a few kids playing in the village. The local villagers has constructed a bong out of bamboo and were encouraging their 5 year old kids to smoke it... crazy.

We arrived back in Pacsi for dinner where we enjoyed some Italian pizza and pasta. Once again, absolutely phenomenal, well done Asia.

That same night we caught a sleeper bus to Vientiane. The bus ride was needlessly complicated. We were forced to change bus 45 minutes after getting on. The bus driver didn't say a word, he just started transferring our bags from one bus to another and let the passengers figure it out. One poor German guy was asleep during the transfer and had to jump out if the old bus while it was moving so he could get to the new bus where his bags were.

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