Friday, October 23, 2015

Last day at work

Yesterday was my last day at work. I wasn't naive enough to expect a farewell party, but I was hoping for more than; a pen, a 5 minute talk about my future and a weak handshake. After I cleared my desk of all my belongings (seriously, he did I accumulate that many pen lids?), I felt a sudden urge to go to Knox Grammar School. I'm not really sure why I decided to go to my old school; maybe I was just in a reflective mood, or maybe I wanted to see for myself how far I've come since I graduated since '08.

It was a bizarre time for me to come visit because I noticed that there were students, parents and teachers everywhere. I suspected they were having a parent teacher night or something like that which must have made me appear like a single young parent who had lost their kid. Despite everyone staring at me strangely, I managed to tour all my old classrooms and hallways. A lot has changed. The biggest change though, is that I noticed girls wearing Knox uniforms! WHAT!? To be fair, it was a Friday and I only saw girls wearing Knox Cadet clothing, but it's still a really big step! I guess the 100+ year old conservative supporters of the school must have all dropped dead, allowing a wave of liberal thinking to wash over the school. Another strange thing I noticed is that there wasn't (much) screaming, shouting or hurling abuse at other students. Is it true that my negative perception of my old school is a fabricated memory I invented to suit my own preconceptions? Nah, it was just a Friday and parents were around to control their kids.

After I came back from Knox I immediately headed straight to the Opera house to meet Matt Gates. He had somehow managed to get free tickets to see the comedian Russell Brand! It was really cool, I loved it.

Alright, enough small talk, now for the deep introspective bit.


I originally wanted to use this time to go on the Great North Walk (a solid 2 week hike from Sydney to Newcastle). Sadly though, I found out a few days ago that I have "tibialis posterior tenosynovitis" , which is a fancy way of saying i have "tendonitis" which is a fancy way of saying that my tendon has fluid in it which is a fancy way of saying my foot is fucked. Woah, that means I ran the 42km marathon with a fucked foot! Can I get my international badass of the year award now?

But when God closes a door, he opens another one. Even though I can't walk or run, I can still do weights. I've still got 30 something gym passes on the Luna Park gym - what a joke, I know. My aim is to get absolutely ripped by the time I travel to Malaysia. I can also make more videos without distraction now which should keep me occupied too!

Strangely, this is the first time where I haven't constructed a well written list detailing all the things I want to do. I reckon I'm gonna wing it. I'm a little terrified that I might just resort to playing computer games for 5 hours a day to fill up my spare time though!

But wait! Are playing hours and hours of computer games really too different from working a 9-5 job? In one environment you're sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen for hours swearing underneath your breath at someone who isn't utilizing your skill set, and in another environment you're sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen for hours getting sworn at by someone for not using your magic skills!

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