Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Laos day 3

Isaac and I woke up absurdly early to go kayaking. We confidently marched passed the crazy Russian guy who was warding off other tourists with his 'you will die' speech.

The experience was amazing! There were about 20 of us floating on one of the most peaceful, tranquil lakes I'd ever been on. Shortly afterwards we all started funneling through a narrow river. The turns were easy enough that an uncoordinated dim wit could navigate through them effortlessly. Needless to say, I capsized. As I plunged my way into the warm water, sharp rocks lying below me cut my right foot and bruised my ass. It was at this moment that I heard a faint Russian voice echo its way through the water - "you will die...". With all my strength I grabbed onto my kayak above me and walked to the shore which was only 5 meters away. The rest of the kayaking adventure continued problem free; we saw dolphins, ate lunch at a local lunchin, and went on a few short hikes. I was even lucky enough to get invited by a few locals to try eating cow skin with them - it tastes just like crackling but much, much worse.

When we got back we all got drunk at the hostel. At the time I was very interested in learning the Laos language, but all my alcohol stained brain can remember is:

1) hello = sabadi
2) thank you = kob shiye la liye

The way I managed to remember (1) is from the song Blue by Eiffel65; " I'm blue sabadi sabudi"

The way I managed to remember (2) is from the song the boxer by Simon and Garfunkel.

I collapsed drunk with a few French people on the balcony of the hostel staring at the stars, listening to pink Floyd and Billy Joel. It was fun :)

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