Sunday, March 22, 2015

Skiing day 3

I woke up with more bruises on my body than last time. I think partially because I was hit for snoring, and partially because my Spanish friends wanted revenge for giving Africa a nosebleed.

The visibility was pretty bad today and the slopes were much more crowded than usual. I was actually kind of happy about that though because it made skiing a lot more challenging. I even found a ski park and tried to go over a few jumps; I didn't get very high though. In hindsight I should have switched over to snow boarding.

The evening was fun. We made Sangria out of Gin, lemon soda, red wine and fruit. Once that ran out we started drinking beers and gin & tonics. Once that ran out we started drinking coke zero - except for some strange reason the Spanish call it 'zero coke'. I found it quite misleading that the bottles weren't packaged empty.

For dinner the girls made this awesome pasta while the guys sat around and drank beer. (Just so you know, I wanted to help make the pasta but was pushed out of the kitchen). I wish I had helped make the pasta because it tasted divine. I asked what ingredients were used but I was unable to understand what was said to me. Maybe goats cheese and spinach?

I felt quite guilty that I was just a measily monolingual speaker because everyone had to switch to English just for me. I felt the frustration in the air whenever they couldn't communicate as well as they were used to. I don't think my ability to understand the Spanish accent has gotten any better either. Asking to repeat words or phrases throughout the night lowered the average quality of conversation I think.

None the less, I'm so happy I got to go skiing in Spain. It was an excellent end to an awesome vacation! Gracias!

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