Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dubai day 1

I arrived in Dubai on the 8th March at 8:45am. I grabbed my bags, stole some WiFi and took a taxi to the Ritz hotel where my mum and aunty were still staying.

The Ritz is a 5 star hotel (or at least it felt that way in comparison to the shit holes I've been staying in for the past few days). I felt completely out of place at this hotel, I mean they even had free apples at reception! In an attempt to fit in I practiced an arrogant laugh to use on the staff there. "Huahahaeiraph".  After cleaning up and having breakfast my mum checked out of the hotel and took me to my cousins place.

Once we arrived my mum and I walked around the neighborhood to try amd find some Arabic food. God I missed hommus (is that how you spell it? I don't know). My mum then left to go to the airport and I crashed on my cousins couch for 3 hours.

Vicky arrived back from work early and we decided to walk to the beach (less than a 5 minutes walk away) to grab a few beers. Ironically I got a lot of flashbacks of England because the last time I met my cousins Vicky took me to the nearest pub to have a few drinks with the promise Alex would join later. Alex got off work about an hour later and we walked through the beach resort to the Weston to meet him; he was too lazy to walk to us. Typical Alex.

The place we ate at was a very upper class pizza parlor. It had wood fired pizzas, fantastic drinks, good service and PORK! That's right, it turns out that the only thing that can work its way around strict Islamic culture is a hotel. The US army could learn a lot from this.

When we got back to the apartment Alex went to bed but I stayed up talking to Vicky for a few hours drinking wine on the balcany. We were on level 68 in the highest (or second highest, I can't remember) residential building in the world so it had a wonderful view of the city. With no need for a map, Vicky just lazily pointed at places I could visit tomorrow while she was at work.

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