Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Brussles day 2

I woke up in the morning to travel to France - the land of unnecessary letters on the end of words.

My plan was originally to stay in Paris for a night, sort out my travel plans, and then head to Spain tomorrow to meet Pablo and Africa. When I arrived in Paris by 12:30 however, I found out that there was a train that was almost completely full heading to Barcelona which had massively discounted tickets. The lady at the help center told me that it leaves from another station in 20 minutes. I payed the €20 for a ticket (much better than the alternatives I'd found online) and sprinted off to the metro. It took a while for me to find out where the ticket machines were and how they worked, but eventually my alcohol stained brain figured it out.

Its a bit of a shame I couldn't stay at least a few more hours in Paris though. It would have been good to explore a bit and possibly meet up with Marine briefly.

On the bright side I'll be in Barcelona for tonight and most of tomorrow! I managed to book a hostel when I arrived by stealing some WiFi from the nearest McDonald's. The hostel is called graffiti hostel and was filled with a few Germans, a couple of English, some girls from Hungry, one Canadian and and a whole lot of Irish.

I was super happy there were a lot of Irish there because it was also St Patrick's day which meant I had an excuse to splash out a bit of cash and buy a Guinness. Unfortunately we were pre drinking for so long that by the time we got to the pubs, they were closed. We managed to find 1 Irish pub that was still open, but wasn't letting anyone in. We decided to tactically place the girls in front of us and march our way to the bouncer - after all, no bouncer can refuse entry to 7 girls (especially when 2 of them are super hot girls from Hungry). We all managed to get in without a problem. It was a good night.

I find it strange that I've absorbed more of the Irish culture than the Spanish culture so far in Barcelona. The closest 'conversation' I've had with a local here is me asking "where is the bathroom" in Spanish to a janator - that's right, I actually used that line! Sadly his hands were full so he just described where the bathroom was back to me in Spanish. Dammit! I didn't anticipate that I'd need to know Spanish to understand the answer! 4 years of intense Spanish study for nothing...

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