Sunday, March 15, 2015

Berlin day 2

You win, Germany. Your beer is more than I can handle. I woke up so unbelievably hungover and sleep deprived. Why is the beer here so delicious and easy to drink!?

I met one of the American girls in the morning and I asked her for advice on where I should travel next. She's the type of American I really don't like; overly extraverted, and a master of small talk. The only advice she gave me was 'don't go to Belgium, the underground parties are borning'. 1 hour later I was on the train heading to Brussels.

I usually hate the idea of getting day trains because they seem to waste a lot of time. I welcomed this train ride though because it gave me the opportunity to catch up on my blog and recover from my hangover. Sadly the first leg of my journey to Dusseldorf was 3 hours and I didn't think ahead to bring water. All I had were the remains of my Doner kebab from last night. Gross.

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