Today I woke up with only 1 thing to do; go on a walking tour that started at 3:00pm. Ironically, I got so distracted by walking around Barcelona that I missed the walking tour.
Fortunately however, I knew the rough route of the walking tour so I became my own guide and followed in the other guides footsteps.
First stop was the creatively named 'cathedral of Barcelona'. It was pretty pretty. I didn't go in though because the line was too long - sorry God, you'll have to wait.
Next stop was the pub. Not technically part of the walking tour, but it was roughly in the right direction. I enjoyed a beer and tortillas (its like Spanish fried potato cake)
I walked around the whole city center and then went to the beach. I don't mean to be patriotic or anything, but I think Australian beaches are better. But that might be because it was 10°C and off season, I don't know.
Before I left I went shopping for wine, chocolate and beer to give to Africa's parents, Pablo and Africa respectively as presents. I also purchased enough for a small meal for the train later. fun fact: chorizo sandwiches are amazing.
A few hours later I met Africa at Lleida train station. We enjoyed a beer and coke while we waited for Pablo and 4 others to meet up with us by car. Africa has got a full time job at some bank for infrastructure projects in south America; she managed to vent a bit of her frustration about the 9-5 working life before the others arrived. I didn't have the heart to tell her about the devastating social affects of full time work.
The introductions were at first a tad awkward (mainly because I'd forgotten everyone's name) but afterwards we got on just fine.
We drove for a few hours and arrived at a ski resort in the North Piranise. Africa has an apartment in Baqueira that's located literally right next to the snow. Now that's cool.
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