Monday, March 23, 2015

Skiing day 1

We woke up this morning after sleeping in by about half an hour. We all surfaced at about 8:30 and the ski rental place and lifts opened at 9:00. The atmosphere was electric; filled with an extacy of fumbling and Spanish profanities.

I decided to rent twin tip skiis so that I could practice skiing backwards! €90 for a 3 day rental - ouch. I shoulda just stolen them.

The skiing itself was outstanding. The snow was perfect, the view was perfectly complimented by good weather and the slopes were almost completely untouched. We all had pretty different skiing levels so we decided to stick to greens for most of the day. I got to practice my Spanish by saying small Spanish words/phrases to the ski lift workers as I passed them. Gracias por fe for! Half of them figured out that I was not Spanish just from my accent, the other half figured out by asking me simple things like "please move to the left" and watching my stupidly smile, nod and stand perfectly still.

After the skiing Africa's dad took us all out to dinner. I think his name is spelled Josse but I'm not sure, it's pronounced "hose-A". My stomache was grumbling for paella but sadly you have to order it in advance since it takes too long. I did one of my 'order the food which is hardest to pronounce strategies' and ended up with butifarra; a very tasty sausage with French fries. At some point this trip I have to try paella though!

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