Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Prague day 1

Holy crap I'm in Europe!

Woah!!! I expected the Czech Republic to be an eastern European smoldering hole filled with delicious beer. Man was I wrong. For starters its not in eastern Europe, and also its beautiful! There are dozens of cool castles, cobbled pavement and beautiful bridges all the way along the main river.

I booked myself into my $4/night hostel and went for a walk around the town. I expected Prague to be filled with bars overflowing with people. I know its only a Tuesday at 2:00pm but every place was completely empty. I really struggled to find a pub, yet alone a pub with people in it. The few 'pups' I did find were practically night clubs because they had neon lights, house music, and patrons drinking only spirits. Eventually I found a nice place right next to the hostel which served wonderful cheap pivo beer ($2) and cheap pub food ($6). I ordered pivovarsky veprovy vrabec (no, I didn't just mesh my keypad) which means pork and potato dumplings. Delicious.

I went for a 3 hour walk around town afterwards and saw a huge collection of castles, museums and statues. I also ended up waddling towards the city center where all the shopes were. For some reason I kept wandering into bookshopes which was stupid because 1) I don't read 2) I already have a book and 3) and the books were in Czech.

When I arrived back at the hostel I made friends with 2 extremely friendly Italian girls. We all decided to go out for food and drinks at the nearest pub. I had some strange potato pancake mixed with chicken, it tasted divine. After I developed the taste for alcohol I suggested the idea of going on a pub crawl. We got drunk but not messy. By the end of the night they convinced me I had to go to Italy before I leave to go back to Australia, and thanks to my spontaneous travel planning, I think I can totally do just that.

Viva la travel!

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