Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dorms vs Co-Ops

The last few days have been really busy for me. I've been trying to sort out my timetable (which is finally looking good) and I've been trying to find a Co-Op to live in.

I've got until Feb 1st to move otherwise I end up paying for Moore Hill.

Don't get me wrong! I love Moore Hill. It's just that it doesn't offer me the American party college life which I've wanted from the start. I just came back from 21st Co-Op. AWESOME PLACE. So social, the people there are all alcoholics and junkies. I was put on a stage in front of everyone that lives there. It's tradition to VOTE whether a person gets to move into the Co-Op. They asked all types of horrible embarrassing questions. One was "how did you hear about this place?". I replied "I literally heard about this place, it's so loud! I love it". Another question was; "would you rather receive a good blow job from your grandmother or a bad blow job from your grandmother?". The questions go on for about 10 minutes, then you have to go inside a quiet room while they vote whether you stay. I made it! !

All I have to do is apply for a double and there is a good chance I'll get it.

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