Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dallas an Austin

So yeah, I really don't care if I don't get the dates right in my blog because, you know, I can't get the dates right in my head. I had to ask the Taxi driver what day it was when I got to Austin Texas. (to be honest, I probably wouldn't have known even if I was in Sydney)

I had a pretty deep conversation with the middle eastern / American Taxi driver. He told me how hard it was to live in Texas post 9/11. But things settled down a bit and he left me with a lasting impression: "Oh wow! So you're from Australier!?"

I was pretty jet lagged, but that didn't stop me from roaming around the University campus. ITS FUCKING HUGE! (that's not what she said). The campus is amazing! I'd seen pictures on google images and that gave me the impression that it was quite small and cramped. I couldn't be more wrong. I think I'm going to have a good time here.

Oh yeah, I recently discovered this amazing fast food joint. I'm gonna come back home at least 10kg heavier.

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