Tuesday, March 20, 2012

skiing and school

I forgot to mention that on the first day of skiing I did 12 hours straight. And surprisingly, this didn't leave me exhausted for the rest of the week of skiing. Perhaps it was Simeon's Bulgarian pasta (spaghetti and ketchup) which kept me going.

I got my grade back for my Mechanics of Solids Mid Term. I got 100% whoo! I'm very happy with the lecture quality in this class. The lecturer is en par with Olsen (my Thermodynamics lecturer back at UNSW).

(skip this is you don't care about Engineering)
Also, in my Engineering vibrations class yesterday I got an interesting idea for my thesis. I think an untapped part of Engineering vibrations is analyzing small bumps in the road and the influence it has on cars in parallel with spring and damper systems. At the moment, Engineers assume the road takes the form of a sinusoid, but I think this assumption can be improved upon if we experimentally sample a road and apply a Fourrier series to it. It's an interesting idea, I need to remember it by the time I get into my last year at UNSW.

(you can start reading again now)
Oh yeah, I've decided to try and become vegetarian again. I tried a few years back, but gave up the day I attempted it. I blame bad timing since my dad brought out a pot roast only a few hours after I decided to be vegetarian.
I'm still not entirely serious about it. It's more of a pilot test. I want to see how long I last before I (a) can't be fucked eating vegetarian food from J2 or (b) collapse on the ground due to malnutrition. I'm betting myself that I won't last a week.

I'm becoming more and more excited about visiting Europe after I'm done with America. Not because America is getting lame (in fact, I'm liking it more and more every day), but because my time to go to Europe is getting closer and closer, and I miss Pablo and Africa.

I'm not sure if I've already talked about this, but I've registered for the UT longhorn run. It's a 10km run (that's right, American's use metric units for long distance running - weird, huh?), so I better do some training for it. Training will be tough because my dorm is a health hazard and I can feel myself getting more and more sick every day. I think one of these days the frustration I feel from being sick might just overcome the laziness I have preventing me from taking out trash and doing the laundry. Either way, I'm excited for the run. It'll be good to take up night running again. Oh yeah, I met some people at Colorado who go to UT too and they will be joining in the run as well.

So I've got a philosophy exam tomorrow. So I guess that means I'm going to the pub for Trivia at 8:00pm tonight :)

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