Monday, March 5, 2012

organge juice and getting cremated

So a good friend (which I will keep anonymous) told me that I was being very hypocritical for condemning talk about Alcohol and getting wasted, when that's what I post up on pretty much every blog post.

Instead of referring to this person by his/ her name, I'll refer to him/ her as a continent - Africa.

So after reading through a few of my posts at random (and applying the appropriate statistical analysis), I found out that Africa is right!

So here it is folks. My first post that's not going to be in any way related to alcohol or getting wasted.


The weather has been good! No wait, I already talked about that...

Stuff is cheap here, especially Alco.... damn it!

Ok ok, next post will not be related to alcohol or getting wasted. Right now I'm gonna get some food from either the drag or J2. Adios

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