Saturday, March 3, 2012

6th street

Friday was a good night. It was (French name)'s birthday so we all got wasted at a few bars then headed to a really great club called 'Barbarella' or something. Despite the name, the club was very good. It was 80's themed so great music was played all night. I also blacked out more than I ever have before. I played a game of detective around my room just trying to figure out what happened. My roommate told me how the vom got in the bin.

Today (Saturday) was pretty uneventful though. I guess the hangover had a part to play with that. I just chilled with my roommate and attempted to study after an unsuccessful attempt to organize people to go to a frat lights party.

Back to the good news. I met a few really interesting people on Friday. Hopefully I can chill out with them a bit more. Also, Colorado is coming up really soon. Getting excited for some skiing goodness.

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