Monday, April 2, 2012


So I experienced a despicable display of prejudice and intolerance to cultural diversity today. Let me tell you the story from the beginning:

Early in the morning, I caught myself innocently walking to J1. People were smiling, the sun was out and I was helping elderly and blind people cross the road. But when I entered the J1 doors (after holding the door open for several people, and giving up my spot in line for them), I was approached by the most disgusting of people. This grotesque excuse for a human approached me to inform me of something. As his mouth opened, the sun stopped shining and I heard a crack of thunder race across the sky. He said something along the lines of "sir, this is a restaurant, you have to wear shoes here...", then he tore off his employee shirt and punched me in the chest. As I went flying (at least 50m) I had some time to speculate on his cruel nature. As I landed flawlessly, I concluded that his immature and evil personality was just a result of a lack of a shoeless upbringing. So I left J1 with my pride.

Engineering vibrations is a joke! The lecturer is soooo baaad. He puts no effort into his teaching nor the homework he assigns. I think he's unaware of the fact that his lectures are 1 week behind the homework he assigns. So I end up having to teach myself the subject. I can only keep myself sane by talking to classmates who have he exact same impression of him as I do.

I've recently rediscovered the genius of Jack Johnson. His music is so relaxing. I bring my ipod to the hot tub and chill there for a while. It's a lot of fun :)

Ahhh! I need to organize so much stuff right now!!! :(

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