Monday, April 9, 2012


That's right, It's my birthday. And to celebrate this annual event, I'm talking to myself over the internet. Yay social life!

But my birthday isn't the only good news. Mother dearest arrived in America a few days ago and just got to Austin TX in the evening. I walked her around downtown and had dinner with her. Out of pure sympathy, she bought me some soap :D

Ok, back to my birthday. I'm planning two parties, one on Thursday and one on Friday. Because I've got two very distinct social circles in Texas; those >21 and those < 21, We're probably going to go downtown on the Thursday evening, then have a house party on the Friday night. This is good timing because I've planned a 10km run on Saturday morning, so I'll have 2 days worth of vodka and beer sloshing around in my stomach for extra energy! I suppose you could technically call that planning, but I only just put up the facebook event, and because it's so short notice and I don't actually have a house to party in, I'm not expecting a huge outcome. But we'll see what happens.

Ok back to my mum. The Saturday after my run, my mum and I are traveling to San Antonio (I remember that name by pronouncing sand - ants - and Oreo's) to see more of Texas. In particular, I plan to see the Alimo - a place where I heard the largest kill streak ever occurred in real life. The inner halo 3 gamer geek that I am gets excited at the thought that a group of people could play real life 'king of the hill' and hold of that many hoards of bad guys for such a long time. Sooo many points!

Ok, back to me. I'm going to be studying for most of my birthday (because I've got a shit tonne of exams to do), but I will be able to celebrate by having an 'egg cake'. I'm going to order 2 egg pancakes, stuff them together, then put carrots through them to make them look like a proper birthday cake! Yay J2! Finally your lack of variety has turned into creativity!

I'm 22 now. Fuck I'm old...


  1. Howdy and Happy Birthday Matt ! your mom gave me your blog link (hope you don't mind). I like reading your Texas Tails !! good luck on your exams, birthday and 10k ! have fun in San Anton and enjoy the Alamo and Riverwalk. linda and jim

    1. Hi Linda and Jim!
      Of course it's ok if you read my blog! I just hope you can ignore the horrible use of language I've picked up over the years. I'm actually planning to travel back to Dallas sometime before my flight, maybe we can meet up again! Could you pass me your email(s) so I can contact you. My email is Thanks for the birthday well wishing!
