Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Moore Hill

Moore Hill needs to be more less gay. That's right, I made that up myself. I'm so witty!

My parents called me the other day and told me that I'm not spending enough money. I'd have to agree with them. I'm very tight with my money, I'm always saving money by going to buffets and buying the cheapest alcohol. I think I'm going to use this as an excuse to go out and invest in dozens of pairs of aviators and become a very active member in the Scientology religion. Oh that reminds me, there is a Scientology church just opposite UT. I walk past it almost every day. Ironically, they were inviting people in for a free IQ test. I guess there's a maximum IQ limit for members.

I've also downloaded a lot of music recently - some of it being Pink Floyed. I'm 21 and I've only just realized how good my Dad's taste in music is. I'm still really surprised at how tolerant my roommate is. I blast music all the time and I leave mess everywhere, but he doesn't complain.

I really don't know what happened to the girls I met at Breckenridge. I meet them around campus sometimes, and they seemed very happy to see me and they were eager to chill out on the weekend. I also used to get invitations to some of the gigs they go to. But unpredictably, they just stopped communicating with me. It's really weird. I don't think I've done anything wrong, but it's making me a little self conscious. I've come to the conclusion that they've all just recently discovered their inner bi polar nature.

I'm not sure if I've talked about this before, but I'm still very motivated to create online educational videos - much like those made by the Khan Academy. So I went though the effort of searching for a free program where I can make small cartoon animations. I was shut down almost instantly when I found out that Adobe Flash casts $1000's of dollars! I guess I'll take my Dad's advice and spend more money, eh?

I'm still chilling out in the hot tub almost every day, regardless of how much work I have to do. It's come to the point where I'm starting to meet other regulars there. It's a good life

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