Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I only discovered the other day that I've got a pretty concrete routine now a days. I always attend/ skip the same classes, go to J2, be productive, and party at the same times. It's kind of depressing actually because I really wanted to allow myself to be thrown into different activities and let every day be a different adventure. Perhaps I'm just being hypersensitive because I recently turned 22 and me thinking I'm in a routine is just a symptom of my fear of being old.

Regardless, I'm gonna attend a concert next Wednesday! I'm also involving myself more in sport. Nothing is going to stop me from going to the hot tub 4 hours/ day, 6 days/ week - not even my insecurities. That's a routine I'll gladly keep till the day I die.
Holy crap! I just realized that I write 17 blog entries each month! Ahhh! The predictability is killing me!!

I've been reading (yes, reading) a book my mum gave me for my birthday called "religion for atheists". At first it seemed promising. I thought it would be an entertaining read describing the benefits of religion in a non bias context. Sooo wrong. I'd bet my dog that the bloke who wrote the book is an undercover fundamentalist because he starts out fair and factual, but gradually ends up talking about how Atheists are all devoid of any emotional connection or moral correctness. Needless to say, I didn't react to the book, gradually put it down, and then started to neatly write an elaborate murder plot for the Author.

I got my Engineering Solids Midterm Exam back. 19.5/20. I'm pretty satisfied with that. Although I'm kind of pissed that I lost 0.5 of a mark for the most basic error.

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