Saturday, April 14, 2012

Birthday fun

For those of you that either have a bad memory or can't be bothered to scroll down half a page; I had two birthday parties, one on Thursday and one on Friday.
Thursday night was a lot of fun. Despite my phone dying half way through and me losing contact with a bunch of people throughout the night, I had a blast! I should say a big thank you to Ettiene and Vivek for looking after me that night. They went above and beyond what any friend needed to do.
Friday night was heaps of fun too! It was a slow start at first, but at 11 sharp the place was crowded! Very good by party standards! I introduced the idea of a 'vegemite shot' to my friends. It didn't go down too well, but it was a lot of fun watching their facial expressions change dramatically at just the smell of the stuff.
My mission was to pull an all nighter and run the texas longhorn run the next morning. But I arrived back at my dorm earlier than expected, so I figured I had enough time to have a 2 hour power nap. I set my alarm and my roommates alarm to wake me up. It was a futile attempt though. My phone alarm was quiet as hell! And my roommates alarm didn't go off!!! I woke up abruptly to my mum storming into my dorm at 10:30 demanding why I wasn't prepared to go to San Antonio hours before hand, and why I hadn't gone on the texas long horn run!! I was as disappointed in myself as she was.

Right now I'm in San Antonio chilling out with my mum one last time before she goes back to Australia.

I had a dinner meal that was as large as I was. I thought I could handle the Texan ribs, but I was way too ambitious. I was pretty much eating an entire cow that was lying on my plate, drowned in bbq sauce.

Also, earlier this week I had a 12 oz steak at some fancy restaurant. If you don't know what the term oz (ounce) means, you were not alone. I had no idea how heavy 1 oz was. So I had to come up with a creative way to estimate how much cow was going to be on my plate. I knew roughly how much 1/2 an oz of weed weighs, so I just imagined 24 bags of that and I had a rough idea of how heavy my steak was! I felt like such a druggie afterwards…

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