Monday, April 23, 2012

New social circles

So I'm gradually pushing my way into a different social group. They're cool people. They live in a different dorm and they are all aged 19-20. But at least they have fake ID's, so I can trick myself into thinking they're as old as I am. Also, just a brief side note - hangovers are hitting me worse and worse every weekend. I'm not sure if this is a symptom of drinking consecutively every weekend or if it's a symptom of my old age (probably both, eh?), but either way it's very frustrating and very damaging to productivity because all I feel like doing in the morning is lying in my crappy Moore Hill bed and listening to the Beatles or the Eagles. Ok, back to social groups. Oh wait, before I talk about them just a brief side note - OK, so I've downloaded a few great songs which I've heard at a few different parties / radio stations. We are young by Fun and Gold Dust Remix by Flux Pavilion are just a few songs that I'm into at the moment. So yeah, these people I've met are analogous to marijuana. Let me explain. You see, marijuana is infamously known as a 'gateway drug' - a first step to more deadly and addictive drugs. So these new friends are not only cool in themselves and great to hangout with, but because they have very few mutual friends with me, they can open me up to more people and more parties that will be going on around campus. I'm excited that I've found cocaine equivalent of a social life. I've got LESS THAN ONE MONTH HERE!! FUUUUUUUUUUUU. I haven't even finished my American beer flag yet. I've got 48 beers to go! (which is symbolic because there are 48 mainland states in America). It hasn't really hit me that I've got so little time left. I just get small, short lived bursts of panic. Also, I'm organizing a centurion drinking competition with a few friends before I go. That should be fun

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