Thursday, December 27, 2012
I think a shout goes out to my Aunty Christine and Uncle Ron for being the inside operatives for the mission.
We all drove back to the country house which we were staying at for the week. There was not much to do, but the view was remarkable - right in view of the rough New Zealand waves. I think I was really living out a rich white kids dream by staying in the country house because it fulfilled so many bourgeoisie (yes, I did need to look that word up) stereotypes. Every bedroom had its own personal bathroom, there was a pool table, a personal bar in the lounge, and a Jacuzzi! The only thing missing from the house was; expensive whisky, cigars, and a large range of slightly differently sized top hats & monocles. Despite this and the 1920’s internet connection, I still had a really good time. My brother and I invented a new game called “death ball” on the pool table - a game where you have to throw marble balls across the table and sink them into the opponents two goals. We never kept score, but we still managed to measure who lost based on how bruised your hands were.
On the second last day in the country palace our uncle rewarded my constant nagging with a small fishing trip. We never left the harbor, but we still pulled out our rods and plunged them into the ocean (that’s not a metaphor, I promise). After about 20 minutes I caught a ‘alkfjas;l asd;k’ and had a photo with it. Shortly afterwards, I unhooked the fish and threw it back into the water so it could swim again. To everyone’s surprise however, the fish didn’t swim, it just rested on the surface of the water, bobbing up and down to the motion of the waves lifelessly. I was caught between feeling sympathetic for the fish and feeling proud in my ability to get a headshot with a metal hook.
On the last day I travelled home by taking a 6 hour bus ride from Auckland to New Plymouth. The bus ride back was OK. I hadn’t eaten much that day and my stomach had gotten very selfish after Christmas so I was pretty hungry on the bus. What made matters worse was that a 30 year old woman sat next to me while my stomach was grumbling and moaning for more food. I tried to act as nonchalant (yes, I also looked that word up) as I could by listening to my music and looking out the window, but it was very tough when your stomach was grumbling as loud and as often as a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum. A solution was reached, however, when the 30 year old lady found a vacant seat further back in the bus right next to an obese teenager wearing a basketball singlet. Overall, the bus ride back was still better than the bus ride in – I didn’t have to pay attention to elderly women talking about their granddaughters and grandsons problems in school/ work/ life.
Overall, I think I had an enjoyable Christmas. It was nice surprising my family and socializing with extended family. There were a lot of memories created, but I think the part I’ll remember most about this trip was having a staring competition with a cow. “Ol’ spotty” lost the staring competition, but still put up a good fight.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I only wish my PNG (Papua New Guinea) roommates were as easy to understand as the New Zealanders. They’re really friendly but I can only understand about 1 out of every 20 words they say. I’m pretty sure they feel the same way about me because I asked them where the cutting board was and they chuckled politely as if I had told a joke and continued to stare at me.
OHH MY GAAAAAAAAAWWWDDD it’s been so long since I’ve been on facebook! I need to stalk my friends and strangers! I need to like random things and let the world know I like it! But most of all I need to get in contact with a few people so that I can organize events! This is nothing shy of an addiction. In fact, I’m pretty convinced that my computer releases a small puff of nicotine whenever I log onto facebook, hence explaining my insomnia and twitching left eye.
Friday, December 14, 2012
New Zealand
Oh yeah, I'm in New Zealand too. My flight arrived early on the 13th Dec and the two other interns and I were dragged into the office in our completely sleep deprived states. The people working here are really friendly and surprisingly laid back. I came to the office expecting to be drowned in work, but there seems to be no work available to us. My manager, Charlie, told me that there is pretty much nothing to do until January at the earliest. So he told me to just walk around the site and learn how Drilling and Maintenance works. It's pretty exiting learning more about the petroleum industry, but I can't help feeling like a complete liability for the company. They are investing a lot into every intern and it seems like I'm unable to return the favor. Regardless, I'm doing as much as I can to use my free time to learn more about the industry. This will keep me occupied and also prepare me in case we get a new Client and business starts picking up again.
Other than that I really can't mention any more about Schlumberger. I signed a confidentiality agreement which prohibits me from talking about anything that might be of some use to a competitor. It's kind of frustrating because they still expect me to write a journal outlining my experiences over the next 11 weeks. First world problems, eh?
Schlumbergers hold on the internet is affecting me in other ways too. They've blocked facebook and won't allow me to download any programs (including Skype). So I won't be able to easily communicate with a lot of people while I'm down here.
Other than that, everything is hunky dory. The weather is beautiful and New Plymouth is a lot livelier than I was expecting. My cozy (tiny) house is located right in the heart of the small city so it’s easy to access bars, shopping malls etc. Not only that, but there is a beach about 15 minutes away. Unfortunately, New Zealand beaches are awful – they’re full of rocks and the sand is black. But the beach walk is still really pretty and rewarding.
I must have ordered Fush n’ Chups at least 10 times by now, but sadly no New Zealander lives up to that stereotype :(.
I’ve also started to notice massive parallels between New Plymouth and Lord of the Rings in anticipation of the release of the Hobbit. Mt Egmont = Mordor, Schlumberger = The big eye, Azlan (other intern) = Frodo, New Zealand woman = goblins.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
The death penalty
For some reason western culture despises the death penalty as a method of controlling people. I can't understand why. There should definitely be a loop hole in the big book of law which says somewhere "the death penalty shouldn't be used UNLESS you're in a plane and stuck 5m away from a screaming baby. Then, by majority vote from other passengers, the baby may be a) strangled with the oxygen chord, or b) ejected from the plane via the poop shoot. Everything else about the plane ride is fine I'm in a good seat and every passenger has been given an ipad from duration of the flight. however this one baby has this inhuman ability to scream at a pitch which shatters your eardrums without any need to stop for air.
For those of you who don't know why I'm on a plane - because you've been living under a rock (or maybe you have your own lives) - I'm on a plane because I've got an internship in New Zealand looking after oil rigs n' stuff other than that you know just as much about my job as I do.
I arrived in Perth and met up with 2 other interns. One of them, Azlan, went to stay in a house for the duration of the safety induction course while the other intern went to to the ambassador hotel with me. Perth is surprisingly beautiful - there is a beautiful river only about 15 minutes walk away. I'm very pleased at the quality of the hotel room - its quite large and has all the facilities I could ever need - a fridge. The view is awesome too. I've got an amazing view of a garbage dump just outside my window.
Well that's all I'm going to write for this particular blog. I'm typing it on my phone at the moment which is a difficult task. I think I'm going to write my next blog after i have been given the Schlumberger computer after three days.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Regardless of that, the lineup was good. Calvin Harris, Example, Avicii and Flux Pavilion were all playing. The live performance from Example was a bit disappointing, but the other bands were very impressive. I also think security did a good job at leaving just enough room for you to breath in.
I've never been a fan of the clubbing scene, so my expectations for Stereosonic were quite low. Fortunately for me, my expectations were slightly exceeded. However, this came at a cost. Not just a $159 cost, but also a biological cost. I can't hear out of my right ear, and my left ear is hallucinating a faint ringing sound. It's surprising how much you rely on your hearing for simple everyday chores.
My internship was in the dark for a while ever since I did my medical. I was very nervous about being unfit to work on an oil rig because of my abnormal breathing problems (yeah, I had no idea either), and my colour blindness. My worries were set aside 2 days ago when I received an email of final acceptance. I was expecting to be paid $3,300 for 3 months work in New Zealand. However, according to the papers that I'm signing, I'll be paid $21,000. HOLY SHIT! I would have worked for $12 and a sandwich. This doesn't shed light on the nature of my work, I think it shows the maldistribution of wealth in the oil industry.
I'm back at my parents house looking after my dog for a week straight because my mum and dad decided to take a trip to Indonesia (I'm unsure if it's work related or not, but either way I'm jealous).
Friday, November 16, 2012
Speaking of doing nothing productive with my life and being a drain on society, I've decided to have a drinking competition with one my American friends, Jessie. Yes, Jessie is a girl. Yes, I'm a guy. Yes, there isn't going to be a handicap of any kind. Drink for drink until one of us: a) passes out b) throws up c) surrenders.
I walked home from work just a few hours ago. I got let out of work late because my boss, in her infinite wisdom, decided to not burden the afternoon workers with cleaning all the plates and cutlery and instead leave it to the night shift. Guess who was in charge of cleaning everything. The walk home was nice though, it was nice to listen to music and clear my head.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Post exam limbo
I've really wanted to go to the beach for months now, but regretfully the weather is too cold and windy for me to enjoy it :(. It also doesn't help that I always get up at 1pm in the afternoon, so once I plan a trip to the beach, it's already starting to get dark.
I've also been living at two different homes. One home in Pymble where I usually chill out with Matt Gates or David. The other home is back at Uni with my friends from the Village and Mario Kart.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
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All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy
All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy
All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy
All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy
All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy
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Don't worry, I'm not insane. I just saw a clip on YouTube from the movie "The Shining" and thought I would inspire whoever is reading this blog to watch it or read the book. It gives you chills down your spine that last for days. Also the movie "the broken" is another great movie that's highly underrated. So if you're a fan of great plot lines and suspense watch "The Broken"! After I'm done with exams I'm probably going to dedicate a full day to complete an anti social movie binge.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Wakka Wakka Wakka
It took about 4 days to make and about 1 big night of drinking. I'm pretty glad that I've got it though, my room isn't so empty anymore. I should probably create a few more artworks in the lead up to exams.
Speaking of alcohol, I pulled an all-nighter yesterday. Not the studying all nighter, but the good kind of all-nighter. I started pre drinking (pre gaming) at the village then started to head over to world bar where I got sloshed. It wasn't the horrible hangover that got me in the morning. It was the lack of sleep. To make matters worse, I had to work from 9-2 the following morning. A tough task when you are using sharp machinery and can barely stay conscious.
My body has decided to reward my careless behavior with a fever. I'm cold, sore, and can't think straight. I'm probably going to re-read this blog in a few months and realize that I'm not making the slightest bit of sense.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Day 17
A few days ago I went to the beach with a few people and I could actually feel the grease on my face sizzle in the sun. I'm not sure if it's an halucination from working at Grill'd too much, or if i'm actually that white.
I'm fed up of being tired and sticky so I've decided to make a change. Monday next week will mark a turning point towards self improvement. On Monday I will get a tooth brush!
Oh yeah, speaking of self improvement. I've decided to decorate my room with alcohol. I'm making a small little artwork in a corner of my room made out of bottle caps and beer cans. Should look good when it's done :)
Thursday, September 27, 2012
There's so much about me I want to improve: Appearance, fitness, intelligence, social skills, ability to play guitar, involving myself more at Uni. But for some reason or another, I always end up with a giant glass wall in front of me. I can see the person I want to be, but I can never quite become that person. I suppose that's human though, eh? I suppose I should just accept the aloof, pathetic, jam stain on society that I am.
I'm so tired of being tired!
Friday, September 14, 2012
walk n work
I also met my Dad briefly in the city for drinks with his fellow coworkers. It gave me a big of insight into how adults behave outside work. The answer is 'interestingly'.
I've got work tomorrow at 11:30am, but I might wake up super early and head down to the beach for a swim!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Uni is killing me. Even though my contact hours aren't too bad and the class subjects aren't too demanding, I still find myself not being anywhere near as productive as I want to be. Recently, I've found myself going back to my bedroom and going for small 1 hour naps throughout the day. Ironically, I thought getting a job would make me more productive because it would get me into a routine of doing work - but it hasn't worked, instead I just feel more tired more often. I'm staying on top of all my assignments, but I still feel like I've got a 400kg weight attached to me everywhere I go. I also feel kind of selfish about having this feeling bugging me because I know people at Uni, and in my family have much more demanding timetables and they're much more ambitious and productive than me. This is the 21st century, right? Surely there must be some drug I can take to make me more productive :P
Friday, August 31, 2012
work n employees
For example, here are some of his jokes:
Me: Hey man, can you prepare the almighty burger
Him: I'll prepare an almighty dick!
Me: The 'mustard pickle' burger goes to Jason
Him: Mustard Dick for Jason!
Other random employee: Can you mop up the floor during close?
Him: I'll mop it up with my dick!
Are you following the trend? I wouldn't be that annoyed by his sense of humor if it wasn't so well accepted by the other employees working there. But every time he makes one of these super predictable jokes, he gets a round of uncontrollable laughter from all the other immature employees - and it's not a sympathetic laugh, it's legitimate!
Anywho, I finished a 4 hour shift from 6 - 10pm, which mean't being unable to attend the village cruise. In all honesty, I was probably way too tired to go anyway since I stayed up really late doing my assignment the night before.
I've been epic facebook raped. A friend of mine hacked my facebook and placed my birthday 2 days ago. I think I got more birthday well wishes from that day than I did on my actual birthday. A lot of people were really spilling their hearts into their messages, so I didn't have the heart to tell them they were wrong...
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Afghanistan generally supports the Taliban, otherwise there wouldn't be a Taliban
Afghanistan should fix their own problems without our international help because it's their own problem.
and Afghan boat people either have an anti western agenda or will inevitably end up screwing up the Australian lifestyle.
Pats racism was harder to pick up on, but was still there. Pats car got broken into the other night, but only the rear window was broken and the door was left locked with nothing stolen. Pat made a series of jokes about how some "kook" had tried to rob the car but probably couldn't reach the from lock from the hole in the window. At first I thought it was a joke, but after listening to his sincere opinions about boat people and the future of Australia during "Go back to where you came from", I got a very different view.