Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wakka Wakka Wakka

My Pacman wall is done!

It took about 4 days to make and about 1 big night of drinking. I'm pretty glad that I've got it though, my room isn't so empty anymore. I should probably create a few more artworks in the lead up to exams.

Speaking of alcohol, I pulled an all-nighter yesterday. Not the studying all nighter, but the good kind of all-nighter. I started pre drinking (pre gaming) at the village then started to head over to world bar where I got sloshed. It wasn't the horrible hangover that got me in the morning. It was the lack of sleep. To make matters worse, I had to work from 9-2 the following morning. A tough task when you are using sharp machinery and can barely stay conscious.

My body has decided to reward my careless behavior with a fever. I'm cold, sore, and can't think straight. I'm probably going to re-read this blog in a few months and realize that I'm not making the slightest bit of sense.

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