Friday, November 16, 2012


I heard a quote once that went along the lines of "a hard days work brings great sleep". I think that's how it went. I can't be too sure though, I don't usually pay attention to advice that inspires me to do stuff. Anywho, I thought I should mention that quote because my roommate (Jasper) and I played Mario Kart till about 3am yesterday until we crashed. I woke up in my bed at about 3:30pm to the sound of Jasper walking into the house after finishing a 6 hour shift. I could not feel more pathetic. Here we were, both equally sleep deprived, yet somehow, he managed to wake up a full 1/4 day before me to do something productive. I guess that goes to show you that the quote I mentioned above is absolute bull shit because I had the most amazing sleep ever, while my roommate ironically had none while he was working.

Speaking of doing nothing productive with my life and being a drain on society, I've decided to have a drinking competition with one my American friends, Jessie. Yes, Jessie is a girl. Yes, I'm a guy. Yes, there isn't going to be a handicap of any kind. Drink for drink until one of us: a) passes out b) throws up c) surrenders.

I walked home from work just a few hours ago. I got let out of work late because my boss, in her infinite wisdom, decided to not burden the afternoon workers with cleaning all the plates and cutlery and instead leave it to the night shift. Guess who was in charge of cleaning everything. The walk home was nice though, it was nice to listen to music and clear my head.

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