Friday, August 31, 2012

work n employees

Some of my fellow employees are driving me up the wall. I'm so sick of trying to socialize with these people. One employee in particular annoys me the most. His sense of humor is very bad - yet it is so well accepted by the other employees...
For example, here are some of his jokes:

Me: Hey man, can you prepare the almighty burger
Him: I'll prepare an almighty dick!

Me: The 'mustard pickle' burger goes to Jason
Him: Mustard Dick for Jason!

Other random employee: Can you mop up the floor during close?
Him: I'll mop it up with my dick!

Are you following the trend? I wouldn't be that annoyed by his sense of humor if it wasn't so well accepted by the other employees working there. But every time he makes one of these super predictable jokes, he gets a round of uncontrollable laughter from all the other immature employees - and it's not a sympathetic laugh, it's legitimate!

Anywho, I finished a 4 hour shift from 6 - 10pm, which mean't being unable to attend the village cruise. In all honesty, I was probably way too tired to go anyway since I stayed up really late doing my assignment the night before.

I've been epic facebook raped. A friend of mine hacked my facebook and placed my birthday 2 days ago. I think I got more birthday well wishes from that day than I did on my actual birthday. A lot of people were really spilling their hearts into their messages, so I didn't have the heart to tell them they were wrong...

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