Saturday, December 15, 2012


I think I’ve figured out the New Zealand accent. If you adjust every word with more than 4 letters by replacing every I with a U and replace every A with an E you will sound like a New Zealander. For example the sentence; “He spilled fish and chips over his pants” will get transformed into “He spulled fush and chups over his pents”. Another example would be; Stephen King lives in a vehicle near a bridge” would be transformed into “Stephen Kung luves in a vehucle neer a brudge”. To get the accent perfectly right however you have to say each word really quickly in short bursts while still keeping gaps between your words so that you can draw out the sentence as long as possible – kind of like how an impatient cave man would talk. Despite this, the New Zealand language still sounds kind of cool – I’d trade my accent for it any day. Also, because they only have 3/5 vowels, spelling would be a breeze! I’m converting!

I only wish my PNG (Papua New Guinea) roommates were as easy to understand as the New Zealanders. They’re really friendly but I can only understand about 1 out of every 20 words they say. I’m pretty sure they feel the same way about me because I asked them where the cutting board was and they chuckled politely as if I had told a joke and continued to stare at me.

OHH MY GAAAAAAAAAWWWDDD it’s been so long since I’ve been on facebook! I need to stalk my friends and strangers! I need to like random things and let the world know I like it! But most of all I need to get in contact with a few people so that I can organize events! This is nothing shy of an addiction. In fact, I’m pretty convinced that my computer releases a small puff of nicotine whenever I log onto facebook, hence explaining my insomnia and twitching left eye.

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