Thursday, September 13, 2012


I went to the 'Hunter Valley' from the 3rd - 5th September. It was funtastic. The aim of the trip was to drive around to as many wineries as possible and get free wine tasters when you pretend to be interested in the product. We also brought a shit tonne of beer up too so we had a slosh fest pretty much every night. There was something really relaxing about lying down on a small sunny patch of grass surrounded by pure emptiness where you could see Kangaroos hopping around in the distance. Plus, Lochie is a really good cook - so we had fantastic food on offer all the time. I thought it was a great trip with great people - very glad I went.

Uni is killing me. Even though my contact hours aren't too bad and the class subjects aren't too demanding, I still find myself not being anywhere near as productive as I want to be. Recently, I've found myself going back to my bedroom and going for small 1 hour naps throughout the day. Ironically, I thought getting a job would make me more productive because it would get me into a routine of doing work - but it hasn't worked, instead I just feel more tired more often. I'm staying on top of all my assignments, but I still feel like I've got a 400kg weight attached to me everywhere I go. I also feel kind of selfish about having this feeling bugging me because I know people at Uni, and in my family have much more demanding timetables and they're much more ambitious and productive than me. This is the 21st century, right? Surely there must be some drug I can take to make me more productive :P

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