Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Uni starts for the last time

This is my last semester of Uni so I've got a good reason to do it right. I've only had one class so far, and it's not that bad. I was very nervous about doing a professional elective that wasn't very math heavy, however the lecturer can speak fluent English and the course content seems kinda interesting so I think i'll be pretty happy with the course.

On a different note, I'm missing Europe already. My body has finished detoxing and now I'm feeling the withdrawals :(. In the later parts of Europe I had one policy - "go hard or go home". Which, now that I think about it, really simplified down to - "throw up everywhere and go home or go home".

The last day in London was spent with my brother and a Canadian we met in a pub near Waterloo. We discovered, to our amazement, that the London Subway station's district line looks exactly like a beer bottle. We took this as a sign that we had to go to each individual station, find the nearest pub and drink one beer each. A very tough task considering there are 28 stops. Half way through the Canadian put his rain jacket in my bag so he wouldn't have to worry about carrying it around. Sadly I blacked out at the 8th pub (I know, I know), but I've been told people fell down escalators and someone (not gonna say who) passed out in the bathroom with his head disgustingly close to the urinal. Eventually we made it back to a friends place safe and sound - somehow losing track of the Canadian along the way. I awoke the next day to find his rain jacket in my bag still. Rather than burden my friend by leaving it in his place, I decided to put it in my main luggage and head off to the airport. About 4 hours into the 25 hour flight a very frightening thought started spreading through my mind. What if the Canadian had drugs in his rain jacket pocket?! When we arrived in Sydney, my brothers bag came out first. I anticipated mine would come out soon afterwards considering we checked in at the same time. 10 minutes later the conveyor belt stopped. The thought of sniffer dogs running past the luggage and stopping suspiciously at my bag among hundreds was freaking me out. Buuuuuuuuuuut eventually the bag came out and I checked the pockets of the jacket before I went into the security check - false alarm. Phew.

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