Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Germany day 3

Another beautiful day in Mannheim. Pablo and I borrowed bikes and headed south to neustradt and haardt. Each small town is suspended by miles of beautiful countryside which made the trip perfect. I realized that if my life came down to bike riding away at a fast pace, I would definitely die. Maybe my obese outer shell can be put down to constant traveling, lack of exercise, or eating 3 slices of German cake for breakfast each morning.

When returning we went for a swim in Thomas's pool and drank a few wonderful crystal (Kristal) beers which taste amazingly similar to hefeweizen.

For dinner we were invited to Cristina's house. We enjoyed more German beer including radler, which is a mix of any pilsner beer and soda water. Germans really love their soda water over here... while we were eating we were taught one really easy to make meal called curry sausages. They're simple pork sausages drenched in tomato sauce and curry powder. I'm definitely bringing that one back to Australia. I also leaned about a "napkin" which is a German piece of paper which you use to clean your face after eating. Germans are so efficient!

Over dinner we got talking once again about alcohol and in particular about unique Spanish and Australian drinks. Pablo taught them that sangria was a mix of red wine (60%), lemonade (20%), coniac (3%), rum (3%), gin (3%), and fruit (10%).
I taught them about an Australian specialty called kings cup which is a mix of red wine (30%), white wine (30%), beer (20%), coke & lemonade (15%) and backwash (5%).

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