Thursday, July 11, 2013

Switzerland day 2

What a great day! The stereotype that Switzerland is not a party country is true, however it makes up for its lack of facilitating young drunkenness by supplying some excellent day activities.

We woke up in the hostel and managed to make a breakfast consisting almost entirely of deserted food left from previous backpackers. Muesli and egg for the win!

We headed to the beautiful river that boarders pretty much the entire city and walked along it for a while. We almost bumped directly into 3 bears along the way. That's right, Switzerland constructed a natural habitat for bears right along the main river in the middle of their capital city. After a lot of photos, videos and mindless cheering we decided to continue walking. We approached a 7m high bridge and got changed into our swimmers and put all of our belongings in a special waterproof bag. After generating a bit of a crowed both pablo and I jumped off the bridge and jumped into the water! You only realize how high 7m is when you're leaning off the bridge fence looking down, and when you hit the water and realize that the river bed is much shallower than you expected. We floated freely down the river for ages. its so wide, fast and relaxing floating freely through a capital city. To give you an indication of how cool it is to legally float down this river, just imagine if all the Sydney beaches came right up to the CBD and workers just decided to go for a dip after and before work. That's how awesome it feels.

Afterwards pablo and i made more shit food and went to see the Einstein museum. Fun fact: Einstein married his cousin. Yay incest.

Sadly time was up and pablo had to leave back to Madrid. Because he hadn't booked his transport in advance he's facing a 13 hour trip right through France via train and bus at the cost of 140€. Ouch.

Ive got all tomorrow to myself and I'm thinking of going to neuchatel in the west part of Switzerland. Wooh!

Oh yeah we also found giant chess pieces in the middle of the street and played two games. I won both :)

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