Friday, July 12, 2013

Switzerland day 3

Walking around Bern I noticed this amazing band playing in English on the streets near my hostel. Definitely my kind of music. The band is called worldfly and they are releasing their first album in most European countries in 1 month. After they finished singing they announced they were Australian! I donated a gold coin to them and had a chat to the lead singer. Apparently they won't be releasing their first album in Australia till November.

This morning i had my sights set on traveling to schilthorn via interlochen. Its 2970m high and u get to see the peaks of all the mountains around you. Its also where they filmed a james bond movie. Sadly it also costs a little over 100 Franks each way (a shit tonne of Aussie money) so I decided instead to go to Gurtenbahn via tram which is still within Bern and only costs 8 franks (a lot of Aussie money). I really wanted to go to a place called wankdorf (purely because its called wankdorf) but decided not to in the end.

Swirzerland is really cool because they speak 3 main languages: English, French, and German. So in order to fit in ive invented a phrase which is a crude grouping of all the languages. Thanks but no thanks = merci nein danke you.

I climbed the "small hill" in gurtenbahn. It was a 3 hour climb and I had to take off my shirt half way to squeeze out the sweat. The Swiss really have a different definition for the word steep.

After a quick and much needed siesta I went to the nearest supermarket to supply myself for dinner. My budget was 1 frank which amounted to miniature box of cereal. On the way back I saw a chocolate store and browsed around. Fuck their chocolate is good.

I made friends with a bloke from Austria and 2 girls from Argentina at the hostel today as well. The guy told me that Austria is kind of like the Canada of north America. Apparently all Germans hate them because they've butchered the accent and have a lot of government paid initiatives. Fun fact: all universities in Austria are free.

Overall I can't comment too much on the Switzerland culture. There are so many accents and so many languages that the place gives me the impression that this capital doesn't have a definitive culture. Instead its an accumulation of other cultures from all around the world. I did find this one exotic type of food that was abandoned though. I can't pronounce it (and CBF spelling it) but its like a sausage that's been wrapped around in a spiral. It looks a bit like a dog shit, but tastes amazing.

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