Thursday, May 10, 2012

upcoming events

As usual, I'm planning a farewell party just a few days in advance. But thanks to Facebook and the nature of the event, I think people will still show up. Oh and by 'nature of the event' I don't mean it's my farewell party, I mean quite a bit of alcohol will be supplied. The party is on the 12th which is 2 days before my Engineering vibrations report and my Engineering Mechanics of Solids final. It's probably a bad idea to host a farewell party just prior to my big exams, but a lot of people are leaving right after their exams finish, so I really wanted to make it as early as possible.

While I'm on the topic of ruining futures - a kid named Nick (no one knows his last name..) got run over by a bus earlier in the week. Don't worry he's fine. But there is a youtube video of the event. Needless to say, this kid is now an internet celebrity and a giant hub for creative UT Memes. I think this event is inspiring dozens of young people into thinking that a quick and easy way to gain celebrity status is to risk getting mortally injured by public transportation.

My beer flag is still incomplete! It's been my mission to create an American beer flag out of 170 different coloured beer cans, and while I have easily had more than 170 beers while I've been here, I have not been able to bring them back to my ultra controlling dorm.

While I'm on the topic of Moore Hill, all dorms have decided that at 12:00am no music and no guests are allowed into the dorm. This is awful! I happen to be a huge fan of listening to 'Sail by Awolnation' at max volume at 2:00am. I'm pretty sure they should create a new rule than no BAD music can be played after midnight. I honestly think my dorm-mates like the sound of my obnoxiously loud bass rocking their rooms at night.

Whilst it has been kind of nice to have Moore Hill as a mellow and relaxing space, it's also been incredibly frustrating. I'm a little bit regretful that I didn't get to know Collin (my roommate) as well as I wished I had. I'm not sure who's to blame for that. I'm usually out for most of the day meeting random people or doing different events, but when I come back to the dorm, Collin is always either watching a replay of 'Minecraft' or playing some flashgame. Don't get me wrong! I love computer games! They make the world a better place. But it's been really quite tough to socialize with my roommate when he is always way more interested in the computer screen. Only now do I have a overwhelming sense of sympathy for my mum when she tries to talk to me when I play xbox on the couch. Sorry mum :S

I've got 20 minutes until J2 closes, so I'll make the rest of this post short. I'm running dangerously low on supplies. My toothbrush is broken, I'm out of toothpaste & deodorant and my clothes desperately need washing (even by my standards). But these are all small issues. As of 4 days and 3 hours ago, I officially ran out of Dine in Dollar AND Bevo Bucks - which means I have to pay full price (in real money!) for food at J2, JCL and Kinsolving. The hunt for free food around campus begins...

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