Monday, May 28, 2012

London and Oxford

The more I'm in London, the more I think that I'm in a different country. The weather is still really bloody good and there are so many non English accents popping up everywhere I go. It's only the harsh reminder of how expensive everything is here that convinces me I'm in the right place. Public transport is the most expensive I reckon. I took a £25 train ride from Oxford to London today (yeah, that's pounds, not dollars!)... it's kinda sad too, because I went through the US not spending much but still getting much more in return whereas here I'm just spending money recklessly.

Spending two nights in Oxford with Scott was a lot of fun. His fiancé, Cathy, is really sweet and friendly. The first day was really relaxing, we just walked around Oxford and went sightseeing. The second day, however, was very different. Scott pooled all of his liquor together from previous parties and social gatherings and we played one of the most interesting and deadly drinking games I've ever heard of. It's a two person game. Each person gets two double shot glasses and they have to add any combination of liquor into those shot glasses for the other person to drink. Scott mixed me a very disgusting cocktail of pure; Jägermeister, Tequila and Vodka whereas I gave him; Rum, triple sec and beer. After playing the drinking game we went into the city to buy some overpriced alcohol and to socialise with the Sunday evening alcoholics. It turns out 5 months in the states has given me an amazing tolerance to alcohol because I ended up holding a bucket between Scotty's head while I was just tipsy.

Ok, now here's a story not related to alcohol. Scott and I went 'punting' (kind of like canoeing, but much less efficient) earlier on that day through a nice river. Because I'm physically retarded, I accidentally crashed our boat into a paddock, and instead of just pushing the boat out of the mud, I decided it would be a good idea to walk onto someone else's land bare foot and pet some cows. Scott has a video of me annoying the crap out of a cow by trying to feed it grass followed by a small clip of me giving up and running back onto the boat before I got charged at.

I'm back at Alex's at the moment preparing myself for the journey over to Kiran's. I'm looking forward to it. I haven't seen Kiran in ages. Also, apparently my brother has some reputation with Kiran from the last time they were together. It's going to be my duty to uphold the James family honour and live up to this reputation.

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