Sunday, January 12, 2014

big changes in life

Just before Christmas James, my roommate, got hit by a car. After about two weeks of being in the ICU he died. He was a funny and inspiring man and I'm really glad I got to know him for a semester. I plan to attend his funeral which should be soon (hopefully before I go to Japan). In the meantime I plan to preserve the bottle cap art in the lounge room that spells his name - it's the closest thing I can do to paying my respects to his parents since I don't know them well enough to send them a personal message. RIP James.

It feels like all the news I have to deliver you about my life is pretty shadowed by James's death, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.

I started full time work on the 7th and it hasn't been easy. The 9 - 5 lifestyle is very foreign to me - my brain just doesn't work that way. My mind is kinda like an iPod in the sense that it can only work for about 15 minutes without running out of battery and it's best utilized by working at different locations. None the less, I think I'm slowly adjusting to it because my posture has worsened to an ideal cubical employee slump. I'm working on two projects at the moment - one is a Naval Engineering project and one is a Civil Engineering project. Although I am a Mech Eng graduate, I quite like the idea of being challenged to learn new things to do your job - this is fueling a lot of my motivation at the moment. It's also really nice to know that at 5:00pm, you don't have any assignments or exams coming up. It's very freeing.

This lifestyle coupled with my lack of a social life has given me the opportunity I need to watch some TV shows I've never had the chance to watch. I recently downloaded the new season of 'The Legend of Kora' which was something I've wanted to watch for a while. I celebrated last weekend by binge eating, binge drinking and binge watching TV all at the same time... EXTREME! In this process I discovered a great tip I can give to all those TV lovers out there. When watching a show you like a lot, make sure you're really drunk first - that way you manage to enjoy the show twice.

In my spare time I managed to contact a company which is part of USyd called 'spoonfeedme'. It's a company that gets students to make videos of them teaching certain concepts. I'm a huge fan of this idea, as you probably would have guessed and I sent them an email to ask if I could get in on it. The called me back and they were very keen to get me on board. Sadly however, there are two main things preventing me from working this job in my spare time. 1) they are concerned that my Thesis videos might not be my own IP (even though I'm certain it is) so they fear a conflict of interest between universities. 2) On a moral basis I really want to make sure the videos I make for them or provide them must be free for students to watch. This is something the company is reluctant to do because, you know, companies like money. Maybe I can solve problem 1) by showing them my IP forms which are being prepared by UNSW and maybe I can solve problem 2) by ensuring I keep my IP for the videos I make with Usyd so I can upload them to YouTube for free anyway.

In other news, I've applied for leave and I'm going to Japan in about a week! This highly anticipated vacation is making me drool all over my computer. Put it this way, I love skiing about as much as North Korea loves Kim Jong Un or about as much as South Korea loves that Gangnam style guy.

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