Monday, January 20, 2014

Japan day 0

I'm heading to Japan for a 1 week ski holiday! Sadly though, I attended James's funeral the day before my departure and now my head is swirling with a mixture of sympathy and excitement. I'm on the plane to Japan at the moment though, so I think every 5km of distance I travel sways my brain a little closer to the excitement side. My air journey has 2 parts; the first involved a 10 hour flight to Seoul Korea and the other involves a 2 hour flight to Japan. While on my Korean flight I decided to watch "Pacific Rim" which seemed like a good choice since we were crossing the pacific. I'd been warned that the movie had the same action to intelligence ratio as "the Avengers", so I decided to watch the entire movie in Korean so I could avoid noticing the shitty plot line. But even with no language I could still tell the movie was shit - why would they only start using a sword at the end? WTF, Earth? Anywho, silly movies aside, I've decided that my goal for this trip isn't to improve myself in any meaningful way. Instead the goal for this skiing trip is just to be a total badass. To start, I intentionally left my seat belt unbuckled even after the seat belt light started flashing! I also purchased a $2 bandanna which just emits an aura of awesomeness whenever I wear it.

Oh and before I forget, I should also mention that my brief stop over in the Korean airport allowed me to experience wonderful beauty of the Hello Kitty Cafe. I don't really know how the subtle movements of a cat arm can be associated with a an extra hot latte, but I guess I just have to accept there are some forces in my life larger than me that I will never truly understand.

When we arrived in Japan it was past midnight, so we just got our things and crashed in our own rooms. I promised myself to do something culturally awesome before I went to bed, so I found one of those automatic Japanese toilets in our bathroom. OMG HOW DO WE NOT HAVE THESE IN AUSTRALIA!? They automatically warm the seat and clean your ass! How badass is that!? (pun intended). Instead, I have to deal with the magical beauty of the half flush option in Australia. Not cool Tony Abbott, not cool.

Oh yeah, my first picture of Japan was of a Japanese McDonald's. I wonder if they eat a cheeseburger with chopsticks? Probably not, but it'll be cooler if they did.

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