Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Japan day 4

The worst part about falling over is the searing pain. The second worst part about falling over is the mild aching which comes after. Ive been walking around the city like a zombie with one of its legs injured. I started snowboarding this morning but changed out my board for my old skis again before midday. This change over was pretty convenient timing because it gave me an hour to stroll around Hirafu (the city area). I couldnt find much though because the snow prevented me from getting too far. None the less it was still pretty awesome walking around aimlessly while getting slowly blanketed in snow. While I was walking around I found a small little Kebab shop on the side of the road called 'elvis kebab shop' playing reggae music which was located right next to a few pubs - I guess its good to know that having Kebabs while drunk is now an international standard.

At 1pm I had all you can eat Sushi. I can only describe the place as a Sushi go round except without the Sushi train.

We then enjoyed a few drinks at a few different pubs before we went out for a Tapas type Japanese meal. Ive decided that Im going to exploit duty free as much as possible on my return to Australia by convincing (forcing?) my family to buy 2 bottles of spirits each for me so I can set up my own cocktail bar in the animal house. At the moment Im thinking: Vokda, Jager, Gin, Spiced rum, Kahlua and sambuca.

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