Tuesday, May 28, 2013

YOLO unless you're Jesus.

I've always wondered what a midlife crisis actually feels like. I've always found it quite puzzling how a person can just spontaneously erupt into life after having a sudden epiphany that they've wasted the first 40 something years of their life. At what point do these men draw the line and go "fuck, what am I doing?". Is it when they lose their hair? When they finally balance their budget? When they discover their favorite song is considered by the radio station to be part of the 'oldies' section? I dunno. Do women suffer from a midlife crisis? I'd suspect so, but it doesn't seem as cliche.

I'm only talking about this because my mum mentioned something to me about 3 weeks ago which only now registered in my brain. She said 'the prime of your life is in your early 20's'. That's a pretty heavy fact, and a depressing one too if you only just realized that you're no longer in your 'early 20's'.

Society reinforces this concept a whole lot too I think. I think Lilly Allen's song "22" captures this pretty well. Yes, I listen to Lilly Allen. No, that doesn't make me gay. Fuck you.

I've also been thinking more about potential job prospects. After a few unsuccessful attempts to get anywhere, I decided to mimic Auguste Rodin's "the thinker" by sitting naked on a stool in my backyard balancing my head on my fist and staring intently at the ground. After being caught in the spotlight by my roommates I realized my true calling. Ballet. Yeah, I want to become a ballet dancer. No, that doesn't make me gay. Fuck you.

But all this midlife crisis shit will never affect me. I'm going to be young and reckless forever! Let the number of posts related to binge drinking and poor hygiene continue! YOLO!

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